i have a bundle of nerves

"So stress, I have to learn to be more patient. Indeed I believe Allah always be my side and I make a doa asking Allah for health, wealth, sustenance, ease, or whatever else I may need."

This problem.... I hate so much when it occur to me + I have to do FYP on my own. In addition whatever problem may occur, I have to bear on my shoulder. NO one might share the same problems. I have to walk here and there, calling to whom i might think he/she knows, thinking what is my plan A , B or C .Sometime I feel sooo fed up!..

The troubleshooting is common  in extruder machine where the temperature change does not working out properly and not stable. When I obeserved the temperature change does not increase or decrease the level off and doesnt go flat to the temperature I have setting up.Nothing much I could do instead I have to shut back off all the equipments and go back to mahallah. Consequently I could not proceed the experiment since the PLA need to be entruded within 160c.for 180c, I should do flushing to remove all the dusts, debris & other materials which are still left in the screw. It's important to keep extruder clean for proper functioning  before putting  PLA. This is a distraction, my works has been interrupted, & not getting work done with this stupid problem. haihh . YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I WORRY ABOUT.

The temperature does not report the right temperature.
Maybe the heater has been hooked up. the problems need to be fixed up.

My extruded motor /screw is not running
i should shup all the machine and cmputer off. Then redo from the beginning. =.='

My extruded stop running in sudden.
SO IRRATATING ME!!!.. This could be bad.Hey you shouldn't do this to me. You know how many hours i have to spend to extrude 1100 g of PLA. You know how much is it? banyakkkk!!!..It happened to me, fortunenatly it occured when i do flushing. what a relieve!!.

Ask Allah for patience


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